Saturday, July 19, 2008

Module Three - HTML Tags

Thoughts about HTML – do you feel a sense of achievement? What difficulties did you encounter with these exercises.

Writing a webpage from HTML was very challenging, but also extremely rewarding when the end product seemed to work.

I have supervised high school students writing webpages using HTML so I didn’t feel threatened or intimidated by learning a new “language”. However, I had been witness to the frustration and grief that it had given a number of the brighter students and it was these recollections that made me a little bit hesitant about writing my own webpage.

HTML was not as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I found that if I worked on it in small segments, saved my work and then tested it regularly, I could pick up any potential problems like missed <> or “”. Checking it regularly also gave me a better idea of how the layout way looking, and if I needed to add breaks or paragraphs. One tutorial I found suggested that because HTML is case insensitive, type the commands is ALL UPPERCASE so that they stood out a bit better. Another tip I would suggest to anyone about to try this type of thing, is to secure yourself some uninterrupted time to do it in.

My web page can be found at

What are the differences between HTML and blogging?

I can only speak from my experience, and I would suggest that compared to HTML, blogging is very easy!

The blog is setup in a template and, although fairly limited in some respects, it allows me to add sections, change font style and size, and add/delete pictures without having to know HTML codes and where to place them. The template designer has done all of the hard work; all I have to do is enter the information into the allocated places.

HTML, on the other hand, requires that I do all of the hard work setting up the document as well as entering the information. Designing a page this way though does allow for more experimentation with layout and is only limited by experience and knowledge of HTML.

What do you like best?

At this point in time would say Blogging because I only have to add information. Therefore it is less time consuming and I am happy with the template that I have chosen.

However, after experimenting with HTML, I am keen to go forward and design a personal webpage from the ground up, but this would have to be a long-term goal at this point in time.

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